A Cloud Bookkeeping Blueprint Your Firm Can Implement in 5 Days
Course Details
Course Name: A Cloud Bookkeeping Blueprint Your Firm Can Implement in 5 Days
CPE Credits: 1
Type: Online/Video
Exam: Passing grade (70%)
Price: $15
Many accountants believe that bookkeeping is beneath them, because it is low margin and high touch work. That was true just a few short years ago, however, technology has changed everything. We can now find profitable work and increase efficiencies in our accounting practices just by leveraging online tools.
We will cover Three Killer Software Applications that your firm must implement to survive the 21st century: QuickBooks Online, Practice Ignition, and Hubdoc as essential tools to move your firm forward in the 21st century. These software applications will automate data entry, increase profitability, and give you a competitive edge.
Note, this is not a commercial for these products and it is not meant to be a broad discussion about all online tools available. We will focus on these three as they are producing great results for my clients.
After studying this course you will be able to:
• Learn how to create a profitable bookkeeping component to our practice using QuickBooks Online.
• Learn how to improve efficiency in our accounting practices by leveraging QuickBooks Online, Hubdoc, and Practice Ignition.
• Learn how to build stronger client relationships using Hubdoc.
• Learn how to provide data management services for clients using Hubdoc.
BUY NOW - $15
BUY NOW - $15