Course Details

Course Name: Auditing the ERO
CPE Credits: 2
Type: Online/Video
Exam: Passing grade (70%)
Price: $30

Did you know that the IRS conducts their ERO audits right during tax season? Will you be ready for an ERO audit if they call to schedule an appointment the following week or even worse, show up unannounced because of a referral from a disgruntled client or an upset fellow practitioner? This 2 hour auditing CPE course looks at the IRS procedures and reviews the actual Internal Revenue Manual in depth. Professor Reed will provide additional insight as to actual audits of practitioners.

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:
Internal Revenue Manual, Section 4.21.1, Monitoring the E-file Program: Types of Visits
Internal Revenue Manual, Section 4.21.1, Monitoring the E-file Program: Advertising
Internal Revenue Manual, Section 4.21.1, Monitoring the E-file Program: Infractions
Participants who successfully complete this course will also be aware and able to analyze recent issues involving Auditing of the ERO by understanding "Hot Topics" relevant to modern practice.

Review IRS manual Part 1 - Types of visits
Review IRS manual Part 2
Review IRS manual Part 3 - Advertising
Review IRS manual Part 4 - Infractions
Hot topics and wrap-up
