Protecting Your Organization from a Destructive Culture
Course Details
Course Name: Protecting Your Organization from a Destructive Culture
CPE Credits: 8
Type: Online/Video
Exam: Passing grade (70%)
The business and political climates today are filled with bad news regarding the breakdown of integrity in individual and group behavior. These escalating cultural breakdowns have a strong negative impact on CFO’s, CEOs, internal auditors, managers, and CPAS in public practice. This course will provide the participant with the new skills necessary to help management/clients combat the “non-compliant culture.” Topics include the development of a “positive culture” of integrity; the impact of the control environment on culture and fraud; effective communication of expectations to employees; and dealing with the worst case scenarios that can damage the reputation of any company or firm and also destroy employee morale.
An example of a bad culture and review survey of job happiness by careerbliss
The control enviroment - Part 1
The control enviroment - Part 2
Integrity and business culture
Preserving integrity
Ethics and organizational culture and the five Ps of unethical behavior
Creating and sustaining and ethical workplace culture and proper treatment of employes
Business ethics
Understanding how individuals make ethical decisions and review 2 ethical dilemma cases
How a poor culture affects employees and the four elements that make for a great company culture
Culture and accountability
How to effectively change the culture of any business - Part 1
How to effectively change the culture of any business - Part 2
Why corporate culture matters in the control of fraud and how management can prevent fraud in the workspace
Maslows motivational theory on the hierarchy of needs and brain chemistry and how it affects human behavior